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Jan 27, 2020

In this episode, we try out Facebook Live, by live-streaming the recording of the episode straight to our Facebook group The Jerry Brazie Podcast Group. We give an update on the developments of the podcast. We talk about seminars, entrepreneur groups, why Jerry does it, and some examples of how people have made it...

Jan 21, 2020

In this episode, we are joined by special guest Sean Lake, Co-Founder of @bubsnaturals . Sean tells us his backstory and about his good friend Glen Doherty who passed during the 2012 Benghazi attack. Glen was the motivation for Sean to start not only the Glen Doherty memorial foundation that helps Special Ops...

Jan 16, 2020

In this episode, we talk about online scams. Experts trying to sell you their "expertise." Here is how I would write the commercial for these idiots.

True internet ads:

Hi, I don't know shit. I've never started, built or ran a #business; Produced a product; Made a payroll; Been #successful; Been #rich; So please, buy my...

Jan 11, 2020

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?  Why is everything someone else's fault? Fortune magazine did an 8-page article blaming P&G for people eating soap they bought.

Fortune used to be a magazine worth reading.  But has moved in to be an SJW rag.  While still providing some good content, many of the stories...

Jan 3, 2020

This is an interesting episode. We talk about Tide Pods, vaping bans, fentanyl, online scammers trying to make you rich and so much more.

Take a listen and tell us what you think.

Have you found some online scammers? Send them to us we would love to call them out on the podcast! 

Reach out at