Apr 30, 2019
In this episode, we discuss if downsizing your lifestyle could potentially make you happier. We talk about uncomfortable conversations at the wrong place and time, and we wrap it up with a story of Jerry's motorcycle crash and his perspective on never giving up.
So Check it out and hear some unfiltered insight from...
Apr 25, 2019
In this episode, Jerry talks about college and student debt. How student debt can be crippling and start you off in a bad state with a ton of debt and a degree that does nothing for you. Or How to graduate with a great degree that will instantly start making you money, and without any debt.
So Check it out and hear...
Apr 23, 2019
Episode 100!
In this episode, we look back at the first podcast we ever recorded and compare and contrast to today. We want to thank everyone who has joined in this journey to 100. We appreciate every one of you. We plan to change some things up while moving forward to continue to grow our audience and strive to show...
Apr 18, 2019
Jerry believes he drove the shittiest car ever. Can you top it?
We also talk about why the super rich are always telling us why we shouldn't chase the money. They actually say that we shouldn't do exactly what they did. Bunch of rich assholes.
We talk about the mindset of money and the perspective of wanting more.
Apr 16, 2019
In this episode, we go over past Instagram posts and discuss some common themes over our Podcast history so far. We cover topics like a young vs old mindset and how they view the world. What it means to put in an extra 10 minutes at work. Then we wrap it up with Jerry's take on the saying, "you should always be working...